Anniversary & Our Jr Birthday tickers

Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 26, 2009

hari raya..

jumaat ptg lepas solat jumaat, aku sudah bergerak pulang ke kampung bersama mr.ash..ini kerana tuk mgelak kan jammed di hiway plus dr seremban ke KL..tu pun ptg arah selatan dah mula byk kereta.. so ptg tu buka posa di rumah.. lps buka da sibuk pasang pelita.. wah besh nye rumah di kampung..dr simpang jln utama ke jln rumah aku kiri kanan pelita.. mlm tu sbk kemas2 je.. blk2 mak dah siap beberapa kuih..

sabtu tghari dah sambung kerja anyam ketupat tu la kje aku tiap2 thn raya.. mak ayah aku dah tender kat aku tuk bt ketupat..pastu ptg smbg bt kuih lgi... almond london tggl nk celup coklat jer.. kuih raya wajib rumah aku ade tiga yg mesti bt tiap2 raya.. almond london, tat nenas gulung, homemade famous amos cookies and de 1 lgi, cornflakes.. wah sume tu dah siap.. then de 2 kuih raya tambahn thn ni... biskut salju n biskut badam mentega kacang...

ptg tu lps asar trs je msk kan beras dlm ketupat n rebus...msk ketupat de la dlm 6 jam.. lme tu.. aku berjaya menganyam 70biji, mr ash aku sebiji je.. heeheh
mlm tu lps psg pelita ape lagi.. men meriam la..bukan meriam buluh tp btg paip 4inci dia. fuh.. sakan men.. then men mercun la.. yg best sekali thunder clap lwn dgn jiran dpn umah.. for penutup, men mercun bateri 49 das.. fuh.. sakan..

ahad pagi dah ari raya.. bgn pgi mandi sunat raya+pki bju raya.. lps mr ash solat raya bru teman kan die mkn ketupat+rendang+ayam msk kicap+sambal kacang+masak lodeh.. mak aku org johor tu la mknan nye.. hehehe.. then kiorg bergambar raya.. thn ni gmbar family kitorg tmbh sorg.. tggu thn depna plak camne...lps tu bru bermaaf2an dgn keluarga..ade sayu la di pagi raya.. maklumlah bt slah byk sgt kat suami.. ni la nasib nye..

tghari trs g kampung belah mr ash.. beraya disana then g umah nenek die 1 lgi..
ni la first time aku msk KL tuk beraya.. kg pandan-bukit bintang.. no jammed.. jln clear..besh tu aku drive..first time la katakan jakun tu ade.. hehehe... ondaway blk tu de 2 accident aku jmpe, 1 di federal hiway, 1 di usj..nsb bukan melayu accident klo x sian diorg nk beraya.. ni sume kes budak2 bw kete laju (jln lengang).. accident kat lane kanan...

ptg tu trs g umah nenek aku...beraya 1 rumah blk mkn.. tghmlm gerak g kmpng mak aku di johor.. di johor raya di 2 umah je.. adik beradik mak aku di johor x ramai dah tggl.. so xde la byk rumah nk pergi.. mlm tu plak(mlm raya ketiga) dah blk umah nenek aku blk..

raya ketiga (selasa) aku beraya di kg ayah aku... beraya smpi perut pun kembung... nek 2 kilo rse nye...then ptg tu bru aku jmpe rumah aku... kemas2 brg sbb sok pgi2 nk blk melaka semula.. rabu aku dah start kerja... nk dijadikan cerita boleh plak rabu pgi tu gerak lewat sejam dri kebiasaan.. kire mmg lmbt la smpi opis gamak nye.. aku ape lagi.. sebagai driver pgi tu.. sume kete lane kanan sekali..yg kelajuan kurang dr aku.. sume2 aku high beam light.. lantak la da lmbt...fuh.. slmt smpi opis.. 7.54am..

ni la cite raya aku yg first time ni...sebagai partner of someone who cares n love me lots...
dr cite ni.. raya aku mmg memenatkan.. weekend ni bru pergi ke rumah mak mertua aku..(mak kandung dia)...

next post.. 4months after marriage..

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ramadhan treat…

Wah today je dah 20 hari berpause.. pejam celik pejam celik mggu depan da nk blk kampong…raya! Raya! Raya!..

Thn ni berpuase di Melaka… Thn lepas berpuasa di Johor Bharu… erm.. thn depan mn plak yea…
Thn ni first time berpuasa dgn my hubby… thn lepas berpuasa with my bf… erm thn depan…. Dgn spe plak yea…org baru ke plak.. ermm mgkn kut.. x pun beruda la lagi.. rezeki Allah bg..

Today dah 3 months lebey we live together… gaduh2 tu biasa lah.. tp xde la smpi flying sources kat umah…bulan puasa adalah bulan leh save bajet tuk mkn.. sbb kje site.. rmilah sub-con blnje.. 1st week kami buka pause sama2.. sempt lah 3 hari aku msk tuk buka.. aku msk ikan cencaru sumbat kelapa, kerabu ikan+kcg botol.

Mse cuti merdeka aku blk.., sempat goreng sambal jawa, kegemaran die.. adelah bw tuk thn 2 mggu.. tp bknnye tiap2 ari ngadap tu… dan tlg mak aku beramai2 bt tart buah.. comey2.. tp aku x smpt tlg smpi abis.. sbb kne g buka puasa kat umah MIL.. tart tu 1mlm je da abis.. nsb sempat aku tapau bw blk Melaka…

Aku first time buka umah org.. mula2 g buka mama kandung die then umah makcik die.. cume x g buka umah bapa kandung die.. sbb papa die sbk je.. hrmmm…

Cite psl pause mggu kedua.. fuh.. kenyang perut.. mmg xde diet la puase2 ni.. start kerja ari selasa smpi la kamis mkn kat hotel je… pergh…keras perut, makin buncit la nmpk nye.. jumaat je kami buka berdua, sabtu ptg sempat buka umah mak aku… ni mggu ke tiga plak.. selang seli buka dgn sub conc… bju raya da siap…ptg ni boleh g amik.. bju hantaran aku jahit bt baju raya.. yuhuu…

Ahad lps plak.. aku buka dgn kawan2 seangkatan mse bljr.. sprh bdk class da kawen termasuk aku.. separuh lgi bakal bersatu hjg thn.. tggl la ade lgi beberapa pmpn n lelaki bujang.. ade yg bakal2 jd bapa n ibu selepas raya dan hjg thn ni… hopefully baby selamta dilahir kan n korag pun selamat bergelar ibu n ayah… hopefully cherish n loveable surround u… me?? Blm ade rezki…

in next entry..
raya bersama hubby….

Thursday, August 20, 2009

selamat menyambut Ramadhan....

salam... this becoming 2 weeks is our anniversary 3months..huhu.. inai kat kuku ni ade lgi.. sbb lmbt sgt kuku ni growing up.. ,y thumbnail still hve half with inai...

tomorrow is our first time fasting together...selamat berpuase sume..
to all my frens yg kawen seangkatan selamat menempuh hari2 puasa n berbuka sama2... jgn gaduh...

wah first time puase bersama lelaki ini.. byk preparation kne bt.. xleh nk selfish... dulu klo x sahur pun xpe.. mkn tuk sahur pun ape yg ade je.. skrg.. kne sediakan tuk lelaki ini... kejut kan die bgn... klo nk bgn harap kan alarm, xde makne nye die akan bgn.. kne org kejut bru bgn...

bab buka posa??hmm.. x kesah.. since we work at same site.. blk kje trs je g bazar ramadhan pilih ape nk mkn...
masak?? hmm blm difikirkan lagi.. lauk tuk sahur boleh la msk.. ade mse... klo buka.. bt kuih je la klo sempat...nnt klo ade pk nk msk, bru la msk.. ala masak senang je.. yg pntg bhn ade... huhuhu

first time nk sambut puase mmg selalu blk kampung.. n kali ni kampung saya jgk...
first time raya nnt... nmpk macam kmpg sye jgk je... hehehe

apepun.. selamat menyambut bulan yg mubarak ini dgn penuh rasa bersyukur dan bersabar....

Monday, August 10, 2009

after 2 months...

now i'm belong to sumone who really cares n luv me so do..

after 2 months our wedding days... we not yet go to honey moon.. but we already have the voucher n know where the place to go.. maybe early next year went to langkawi first then will be go to phuket in middle year..

here is sum of pics of my past 2 months wedding day... just now can upload this...

my pelamin at nite.. as i dream n as i really like it.. malay garden wedding..

the best pics i like

(senyum2 je.. padahal dah penat senyum whole day tu..)

as i like my wedding day berjalan dgn lancar.. Thanks to Allah to give this time to us n all my family frens n relatives celebrate my wedding day... with the cloudy weather (w/pun time tu musim pns)

n thanks for all those supporting me.....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

count down to my big buff day....(part 1)


evrything is done.. i start my works to day at new place,,new environment.. n new things to do...
take care of my duvy heart... togehter share wat we have... n others....
this is my cronology to the wedding days ..

3rd days before....
i went to spa at morning for 2 1/2 hour.... my duvy went to repair my car... i changed sumthing call sparepart for gud performance to save my car fuel n less in vibratin n easy to goin faster.... huhu.. it ok to be faster cause my engine is 1.6cc n gud car... i bought last year from my mom.. she change brand new car... buy a second hand car can save my monthly installment n less year of credit...go to collect my dinner dress n coat..
then pick up my heart shape chocolate.. n at evening... we went to sg.wag to buy camera.. i prefer Nikon SLR D60.. but their say for beginner like me better buy with camera stabiliser.. so i bought sony alfa200 maybe the name.. cant remeber.. cos i not familiar with pro-SLR camera....
price is within my budget.... then we going back... n my hantaran is completely bought it.... nite continue my hantaran decor.. i use basket n tray... n also polisterene...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

3 days...

wah.. three days to go....
i start for marriage leave...yuhuu....

3rd June... repair my car, wash it... get it done n speed fastly like out of segitiga emas of kualal lumpur after my marriage leave....

going to spa at here at 10.30am t do my last relaxing for my self...2hours for 4steps body spa....
then, going to heart shape chocolate supplier.... going to sg. wang to buy SLR camera my last items for hantaran....

at nite, go to my andaman to fit my cloth n match the make up.. i prepare the hair do wat i lke.. hope kak sandra can make it... huhuh....

4th June,.. final done for my landscape... my garden wedding hopefully successfully come true....
evening, go to fresh flower supply n at nite start doing my hantaran... n put in study small room fully closed n air con with low temperature n high i use fully aircon for two days only.... hope his just smiling (hint yes)....

... done it here....

Friday, May 29, 2009

door gift - bunga telur

hihih rse cam xde mood je nk tulih... tp.. nk tulih gak... sbb de byk lgi kje nk buat tggl 7 hari to go.... tonite my target to finish all my door gift....

korg rse bp arge tuk sebijik benda ni..
done it by my self..
x lah cantik sgt tp i like it.. msti lah puji diri sendiri.. sbb kite yg ssh pyh bt....huhuuhhu
simple je bt.. klo bt byk2 sgt nnt x sempat siap pun...
boleh x kamu2 sume quote this door gift tuk 1 unit... mn lah tahu after this leh amik tempahan ke... side income... ceh.. mse x de... dgn kje 6 days a week... ade hati nk bt part time.. fuh penat den...
will cont to other DIY door gift.... kamu2 sume leh save bajet dgn bt sendiri.. yg pntg kreatif n do the simple... as long as people like it.. len la klo full time bt bende ni leh la ltk byk2...
k till then..
(nk smbg abis kan mlm ni gak walau apepun terjadi..-gambatte!!hait!!)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

hantaran - money,money,money...

last 2 days hampir aku mau bertekak dgn my mom.. she insist the duit hantaran put as hantaran in dulang.. but my duvy refuse to put in.. wah confius nye... n my dad want as hantaran also.. wah... i asked some of my fren either wants to put it as hantaran or not.. but..i got 2 answer..
ceh... disebabkan..hantaran dr pihak lelaki n dr pihak aku, aku bt sume nye.. cmni lah jd nye… klo sblh pihak kan senang.. bior lah die nk ltk pe pun… asal brg yg aku nak dpt.. huhuhuh… mule2 rancang 5 balas tujuh,.. then jd 7 balas sembilan.. fuhh sekarang jd 9 balas sebelas... wah byk nye.. nsb aku dah siap lebihkan mse potong2 kain tuk dulang bg pihak aku n die...aku bt 9 n 11 then betul2 jd… hehehe… n mmg beli kain lebih mse di nilai 3...

then tambah coklat pastu tambah pulut kuning.. then tambah wang hantran... ni sume dr die..aku tambah Quran.. mse bli tu.. nk bli tafsir tuk aku.. tp aku jeles la.. nk jgk bg barang islamic kat die.. aku pun join bli skli Quran tuk die...hehehee... then tambah cupckaes tp still thinking cupcakes or cakes.. i extra 1 dulang from my auntie x ksh lah spe2 nk tmbh pun...nnt ltk je situ…

berkenaan wang hantaran tu.. pk punye pk.. gaduh punye gaduh.. pening punye pening..mula2 aku tnye bank yg duvy aku tu bank in kan duit, leh buat cek x duit dr akaun.. then die kata boleh tp cek berpalang... aku plak pening.. bile lah mse aku nk curi mase g buat.. nnt nk cash kan msk akaun blk.. x ke byk kje… pastu mlm td aku tnye mak aku camne.. then mak aku ckp.. just tunjuk kat tok kadi n saksi..ape hadiah perkahwinan tuk hantaran n bp riban.. tu je... aku pun senang lah hati..yuhuu...... aku ltk je sum of money dlm bank tu.. so cadangan ayah aku tuk ltk cash money tidak tercapai.. cian die.. tp die x kesah sbnr nye….

so as my result... aku ltk je buku akaun aku tu tuk wang hantaran.. x pyh la ssh2.. sbb duvy aku x nak tunjuk kat org len.. die x suke..hehehhe...
so duit hantaran is already in my bank... x pyh ssh2 buat cek lah.. bank draft lah... ssh aku nk bt cam tu.. byk kje…
so tuk sume2... bncg lah dgn mak kamu n tnye lah kwn2 kamu.. n jgn lupe diskus with ur duvy.... prsn die kne jaga gak…

till next note..

Monday, May 18, 2009

other weeks...

another 2days holiday.. for construction line of working job.. when got more than 1 days weekend is like a heaven.. on saturday i went to gombak to take door gift is bekas telur n spoon for decorate.. that my future mother-in-law bought it at kelantan... she went to kelantan...n buy it.. last two weeks i order from her.. n she said on her collaboration... fuh yoo... best nye.. de org blnje kan.. it supossely pay by my mom but she resist to take it.. before go to my future mother-in-law.. i called her mama already.. hehe.. i took a4 size, 20cent per pcs additional invitation card for org kampung.. my dad add it more....
after going to his mom house, we went to his aunty house which is nearby.... then straight away go to MIHAS 2009 at Matrade to find choclate for ppl those come as sweeties... so we decide to buy that not only cheaper but for my wedding is suitable is, we choose heart wapper chocolate... if it melt during this hot season it still in wrapper either we buy praline type.. we order from here which is cheaper n easy to take n eat it.. huhuhu i like it..i bought also 300gm for by siblings at home...and they like it.. other i bought their promotion 1 bag rm 10.. i bought products from munchies and bika n darabif.. n any food like to eat it... on the way back..feel pity for my dear, cos my magrain attack me that late evening... i falled asleep til reach home.... hmmm,..
at nite i with my sister n my honey doing the paper bag n bunga telur till 3am.... very slow progress.. we are not expertise to do it...

then, on sunday continue my bunga telur n my landscape... cos this weekend my mom not around.. she still in her trip go to kangaroo country.... we just work out for abt 1 hour for my laman... then, this week i start for my dulang hantaran... i cut it... from beginning hantaran for him just 9 n his is 7 but i cut extra 2 for each side... i do both of the hantaran either for him n from me... then just done it... then,, for the polisterene n bakul2... not start decor yet... huhu my paper bag almost half done.. many things to do not complete yet... except my inivitation card...

we con't soonn.....

Monday, May 11, 2009

1st may weekend (con't)

last page, i worte until 1st may only... huhuhuh .. suddenly blank idea to write....

2nd may,
in da morning doing my landscape work... cos of the weather are cloudy... we work til 11.45am.. then i go to shower.. prepare to my fren wedding at cheras... wah.. see my reunion.. but not all of us.. by the time i spread my invitation card.... i also got invitation card from other fren... huhuhu then back at around 4 pm.. continue the bunga telur project.. i do my bunga telur tgn by myself..n will be help by my sister... i waiting for her to semester break... n my paper bag need to fold by us.. i ordered the free design n fold by us..

at nite i went to dinner wit my bf.. i ate satay at my area also.. the most popular satay in my hometown.. sum said ppl from surround area like kl, s.alam easily said kalng valley sumtimes come to eat satay... cheaper then other... n big.. eat 10pcs,i'm full already... my bf said it tasty+delicious... it not satay kajang, but satay sijangkang.... credit to the owner... (direction main road from klang to banting, u'll be find sijangkang on your left is the stall...15km from Hosp. Klang).. going back n continue doing my project...

3rd May,

sunday... wah wake up late.. but the day is cloudy... so, i can continue my landscape..the railway sleeper traget to get by this week.. so can see how nice n cute my landscape.. will update with photo... huhuu at noon when to my primary school classmate wedding.. theme colour so bright n contrast (orange n black) n my frens look so preety in her dress wlak with flower gurl... huhu then back to my home, with the hot weather nowadays, i continue my bunga telur tangan for guest...till late evening...huh so tired... then at nite my honey goin back to melacca.. tomorrow start 6 days working...heheheh

Sunday, May 3, 2009

1st may weekend

huhuh... ermmmm...
last weekend.. i take leave on saturday... n i also insist him to apply leave on saturday also.. since both of us work in construction line... so 6 working days...

so my journal abt last weekend beginning on 1st May...

1st May..
meet him on that morning as usual he come to my home...
we go to meet my mom x-stud who doing wedding cake.. so i booked her for my 2tier n 3tier wedding cake.. hhahah gila kuasa.. 2 kek aku order... one for nite n one for noon...
after diskus2..smpi pening..n my mom pun pening.. we decide to order 3tier blueberry cake n 2 tier for nite for dinner choclate moist... the choclate cant do in noon coz it will meting.. as the baker said.. i order my cake from her...cos just neaby my home.. huhuhu

then after Friday prayer, we went tohis country sides... reach his home for first time... left only his young sis n bro..waiting for his mom to come home... after an hour then i meet his mom.. nothing to talk just common tlak.. i met his mom n dad last year once, at that time we not couple yet... huhuhu.. n his father call that he hve discussion with so...

then after that, in late evening we went to his granparents home.. just nearby.. about 30min from his home... we eat there n chat with his grandma.. then after that..only 1hour we being at his grandparents home.. then, we move to mamak waiting for his schoolmate fren... not all were come..only around 10 ppls.. cos all of them lost contact.. that all..
chatting there n seperate our wedding card n chatting... normal question if long time no see.. hey wat r u doin?? where u leave? n where r u working?? wat post?...hehehe... bla bla bla... then abt 10.30 pm we going back to my home...hihihi

2nd May
early morning.. doing our landscape at my laman... as we want to doing our garden wedding..
afternoon.. will be countine in next post (feel this post to long to read.. n might be boring)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

things are done..

up to date.. ...
things are done... last week tilam dah smpi.. tilam je dah smpi... matress price at 1400 but bought during warehouse sale i just got 800... huhuhuh.. pastu katil pun dah booked..
in progress kat kilang kut.. mse g booked tu dah lme dah.. bln 4 lagi... ceh bf yg sorg ni suke setel bnde awal2.. aku lah suke tangguh2... heheh.. mse tu tnye ayh cmne nk bli katil jenis cmne.. then my dad answer.. hmm like always.. "ikut ko lah yg mne sesuai.. ko yg pki..ko yg gne.. tgk kayu tu ape jenis..." tu je die ckp n his advice.. then we decide go to klang shop, the specialist for bedroom set n wedding decor for bedroom.. die ade set yg siap dgn kubah yg atas katil tu or kelambu.. disebab kan aku x minat rambu2 tu, same wit my, x de nk order nye.. bli katil sje.. the bedroom set mmg tuk bilik yg besar.. for me i like the katil come with the lite at head n.. nice, contemporary.. not too modern..n i also like the meja solek set.. the concave mirror is 6 feet tall(i can see my full body) n come with tv rack.. cant remember wat else in the set..huhuh.. n my bf like the closet.. cos is big.. panjang je dah 7kaki.. lgi pnjng dari katil.. gile kuase nye bf.. sbb die perli aku.. baju byk n i like shopping once a month n bli set comforter or cadar... heheheh.. ape pun still in my budget.. katil+tilam less then 3k..

len hal dah setel.. kad kawen..adek aku yg bru abis asasi die dah siap lipat.. target during wesak day i send the card... for those who nk my invitation cars can send ur address to me.. other thing.. bunga telur tuk pahar dah siap.. sbb bli je senang.. kuar duit n siap lah.. huhu my mom blnje...

tuk cuppies for the resepsi dinner for my frens only booked already at my clicks fren this.. i ordered 500pcs S size..hopefully she can do nice decor on top of it..

other thing is in progress.. n kipas dah bli dah... ade kt umah.. ..

i think that all are done for my wed's day..

Thursday, April 23, 2009

hunting our hantaran..

actually.. were started since planned our wedding.. early January.. but only to date is done... fuhh lega rase nye...
but left it one only.. camera to gift him... my fav is SLR nikon D60.. we was survey at sg wang.. n the price is in my budget.. so cam will buy this early May..
i would like to push my mom to join me.. cos she want to buy handycam... but early year start plan aku nk kawen ni.. xde pun ape2 lgi.. my mom, my mom.. so kne push die gak... sbb die x suke tmpt sesak2 skrg... poyo je my mom ni.. dulu bljr kat KL.. cite jln KL dah expert.. tp kate nye dah tua.... mls nk jln2 byk2... hmmm ye lah tu....

so talking abt hantaran.. this is the list...

me for him...
i) belt n wallet
ii) boot
iii) jacket
(sume kat atas ni camel)
iv) SLR camera (to be nikon-buy in May)
v) Al-Quran (lastweek kat PWTC)
vi) parfume set (burberry n carolina) - Mac sale
vii) cup cake or cake
viii) ring (last week - habib jewel)
so the (ix) item is tepak sirih....

his for me
i) cosmetic set n parfume (clinique) - bli time CNY
ii) ring (habib jewel)
iii) al-Quran n terjemahan (lastweek at PWTC)
iv) telekung n sejadah (Febuari)
v) watch (tissot boutique)
vi) sepasang persalinan - chiffon beads (Gulatis)
vii) sirih junjung

ok dah ckp... tu lah... brg aku sume dah bli.. brg die tggl 1 lgi..
n plus one thing.. baju n slack abg aku dah bli dah pun.... sbb langkah bendul... ceh abg aku ni bile la nk kawen.. lepak je lagi die.. nk kte xde calon.. rse cam dah ade.. tp x tahu la klo dah break up... nk kate xde duit.. byk dah brg dlm bilik die.. sbln skli shopping... huhuhuh

ok.. other thing.. brg tuk hias as hantaran dah bli.. tggu fresh flower 2 ari sblm my wed's day dah ade... (hopefully bunga byk ade) n bunga2 artificial... ..

Friday, April 10, 2009

my tired weekend...fuhh,,

this week mmg byk kje.. tgn x ke hulur..blk kje lewat....
ok work talking here... hehehe... abt my preparation.. my time mmg cam dah suntuk sgt.... tuk door gift as souveniour mggu ni g nilai survey brg n bli... then.. mak kate bt je sendiri.. senang sbb mak kte aku kreatif la.. konon je.. bajet 1 ari kne siap kan 30 x 30hari... sbb nk siap kan 1000-1500 tgk lah bp siap.. so mggu ni cr brg... i book my sister to come back this week n follow me go to nilai be as my asst to buy n gift her idea.. klo dgn bf.. mmm lelaki.. ha ni ok x?? tnye die jawab klo ok, ok lah.. klo x ok.. xde.. idea xde.. komen.. but i relly appreciate his comment cos it helping me to choose... maybe for me its nice but for him maybe ade kureng skt.... hmmmm.. thanks to him... then my mom cant accompany me cos mum n dad go to Johor this weekend.. ade wedding...

abt my last week... aku dah g butik bju mlm aku n butik yg aku amik pakej 1psg bju,pelamin aksesori n ape2 lgi lah.... then... butik tuk bju gaun mlm aku g.. ade bju baru... n cantik..
huhuhu aku try je.. then mmg muat2.. x yah alter lgi... huhu suke nye aku... seksi but nice.. my bf said nice simple n he like it...klo x kne try 2-3 baju smpi sye suke n die pun suke.. huhuhu.. tp akak tu cas price sme je... heheheh best nye... then kad kawen pagi2 dah g KL jmpe abg tu... then dah confirm sume.. simple n nice... simpat lah singgah kat ampang point tgh pameran pengantin... just survey for my 3 tier cake with fresh flower n door gift... door gift die nice tp agak mahal... bf work at melaka.. so buy at melaka is more cheaper n i can save much.... huhuhuh...this is my gift for fren

mlm plak g jmpe akak tuk butik... nk tgk wedding dress aku.. dgn hati n prsn gembire n x sabar nye aku g tgk... pergh .. mmg cantik.. simple n nice tp x sempat amik gambar n ltk cni.. nnt aku edit blog ni n letak gambar skli... then tnye tuk sume2 lah nk mntak aksesori ni lah.. nnt pelamin camne lah... fuh penat sggh ari ni... dah lah ptg tu me, my bf, dad, my bro, n mum g membuat landscape tmn... sbb pelamin aku nnt dlm tmn dlm gazebo (tp gazebo x siap lgi) huhuh... byk nye bnde last minute ni... fuhhh penat.. n tkt x sempat je...

my pelamin will be like this but in my gazebo

so ... many things dah setel but need to do it... hmmmm

Saturday, April 4, 2009

first entry wedding preparation

fuh... arini... kje.. sengal site sunyi sepi.. cam xde machine besor jln je.. nape ye..?? klo x bising mmg kne pki ear plug.. cam tgk f1 je... f1 this year, x leh nk g sbb sibuk dgn preparation nk kahwin.. mggu ni nk jmpe abg yg bt paper bag n kad.. nk confirm design... then leh print n dpt lgi 2 mggu.. pastu kasut kne tempah sndiri sbb kebykan mak andam or butik2 ni xde size 8.. tnye smpi saiz 7 je.. termsk lah tmpt akak tu.. huhuhu.. weekend ni nk g ambik... hope fully cantik..

ermm kasut dah siap bju blm lgi.. baju aku tempah khas tuk aku... huhuh.. kte nk bt garden wedding so aku pki gaun pear shape..(sbb my body is pear type) then ade frenchlace V-shape bhgn blkg nye, yg xde lining(cmne nk explain ye..sbb aku bkn designer).. nsb akak tu leh bt..sbb xde org bt lagi kat butik die..fuh.. sume dah tempah awal 4bln sblm mjlis.. klo x, x dpt lah tgk bju tu awal..hehehe

lgi 1 baju nikah.. aku bt n bli trs baju nikah... jeng..jeng..jeng.. klo org sanding nk pki bju songket... aku nikah pki bju songket.. lain dr lain lah katekan.. dpt songket bunga tabur.. cantik.. bt kebaya mahsuri nye pattern tp modern style.. last 2 weeks dah g fitting.. yes!!! akhir muat jgk aku pki size tu.. klo x kain kne pki saiz len...
misi aku bkn tuk kuruskan bdn sbnr nye tuk 'fit' kan blk bdn ni.. so msk lah fitness club yg dikatakan dekat dgn umah.. klo 10min smpi nek kete or moto dekat lah kan... huhuhuhu..

ok.. nnt smbg entri len... blk keje dah... gmbr2 nnt ltk.. huhuhuh

Monday, March 30, 2009

first time...

huhu.. this is my first time in wiring blog.. mesti sengal punye nk tulih ayat... berterabur... walaupun SPM dulu bhs melayu aku dpt A n karangan aku dpt msk magizne sekolah.. tp sejak kje kat construction asyik ckp bhs site je.. hampeh..

blog ni tulis sbb ape nye.. sbb sje nk cite kat kamu2 semua.. huhu my preparation towards marriage..(perkara aku x prnh rancang nk jdi) not in my list after my graduation n not this fast...huwahh....