Anniversary & Our Jr Birthday tickers

Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

things are done..

up to date.. ...
things are done... last week tilam dah smpi.. tilam je dah smpi... matress price at 1400 but bought during warehouse sale i just got 800... huhuhuh.. pastu katil pun dah booked..
in progress kat kilang kut.. mse g booked tu dah lme dah.. bln 4 lagi... ceh bf yg sorg ni suke setel bnde awal2.. aku lah suke tangguh2... heheh.. mse tu tnye ayh cmne nk bli katil jenis cmne.. then my dad answer.. hmm like always.. "ikut ko lah yg mne sesuai.. ko yg pki..ko yg gne.. tgk kayu tu ape jenis..." tu je die ckp n his advice.. then we decide go to klang shop, the specialist for bedroom set n wedding decor for bedroom.. die ade set yg siap dgn kubah yg atas katil tu or kelambu.. disebab kan aku x minat rambu2 tu, same wit my, x de nk order nye.. bli katil sje.. the bedroom set mmg tuk bilik yg besar.. for me i like the katil come with the lite at head n.. nice, contemporary.. not too modern..n i also like the meja solek set.. the concave mirror is 6 feet tall(i can see my full body) n come with tv rack.. cant remember wat else in the set..huhuh.. n my bf like the closet.. cos is big.. panjang je dah 7kaki.. lgi pnjng dari katil.. gile kuase nye bf.. sbb die perli aku.. baju byk n i like shopping once a month n bli set comforter or cadar... heheheh.. ape pun still in my budget.. katil+tilam less then 3k..

len hal dah setel.. kad kawen..adek aku yg bru abis asasi die dah siap lipat.. target during wesak day i send the card... for those who nk my invitation cars can send ur address to me.. other thing.. bunga telur tuk pahar dah siap.. sbb bli je senang.. kuar duit n siap lah.. huhu my mom blnje...

tuk cuppies for the resepsi dinner for my frens only booked already at my clicks fren this.. i ordered 500pcs S size..hopefully she can do nice decor on top of it..

other thing is in progress.. n kipas dah bli dah... ade kt umah.. ..

i think that all are done for my wed's day..

Thursday, April 23, 2009

hunting our hantaran..

actually.. were started since planned our wedding.. early January.. but only to date is done... fuhh lega rase nye...
but left it one only.. camera to gift him... my fav is SLR nikon D60.. we was survey at sg wang.. n the price is in my budget.. so cam will buy this early May..
i would like to push my mom to join me.. cos she want to buy handycam... but early year start plan aku nk kawen ni.. xde pun ape2 lgi.. my mom, my mom.. so kne push die gak... sbb die x suke tmpt sesak2 skrg... poyo je my mom ni.. dulu bljr kat KL.. cite jln KL dah expert.. tp kate nye dah tua.... mls nk jln2 byk2... hmmm ye lah tu....

so talking abt hantaran.. this is the list...

me for him...
i) belt n wallet
ii) boot
iii) jacket
(sume kat atas ni camel)
iv) SLR camera (to be nikon-buy in May)
v) Al-Quran (lastweek kat PWTC)
vi) parfume set (burberry n carolina) - Mac sale
vii) cup cake or cake
viii) ring (last week - habib jewel)
so the (ix) item is tepak sirih....

his for me
i) cosmetic set n parfume (clinique) - bli time CNY
ii) ring (habib jewel)
iii) al-Quran n terjemahan (lastweek at PWTC)
iv) telekung n sejadah (Febuari)
v) watch (tissot boutique)
vi) sepasang persalinan - chiffon beads (Gulatis)
vii) sirih junjung

ok dah ckp... tu lah... brg aku sume dah bli.. brg die tggl 1 lgi..
n plus one thing.. baju n slack abg aku dah bli dah pun.... sbb langkah bendul... ceh abg aku ni bile la nk kawen.. lepak je lagi die.. nk kte xde calon.. rse cam dah ade.. tp x tahu la klo dah break up... nk kate xde duit.. byk dah brg dlm bilik die.. sbln skli shopping... huhuhuh

ok.. other thing.. brg tuk hias as hantaran dah bli.. tggu fresh flower 2 ari sblm my wed's day dah ade... (hopefully bunga byk ade) n bunga2 artificial... ..

Friday, April 10, 2009

my tired weekend...fuhh,,

this week mmg byk kje.. tgn x ke hulur..blk kje lewat....
ok work talking here... hehehe... abt my preparation.. my time mmg cam dah suntuk sgt.... tuk door gift as souveniour mggu ni g nilai survey brg n bli... then.. mak kate bt je sendiri.. senang sbb mak kte aku kreatif la.. konon je.. bajet 1 ari kne siap kan 30 x 30hari... sbb nk siap kan 1000-1500 tgk lah bp siap.. so mggu ni cr brg... i book my sister to come back this week n follow me go to nilai be as my asst to buy n gift her idea.. klo dgn bf.. mmm lelaki.. ha ni ok x?? tnye die jawab klo ok, ok lah.. klo x ok.. xde.. idea xde.. komen.. but i relly appreciate his comment cos it helping me to choose... maybe for me its nice but for him maybe ade kureng skt.... hmmmm.. thanks to him... then my mom cant accompany me cos mum n dad go to Johor this weekend.. ade wedding...

abt my last week... aku dah g butik bju mlm aku n butik yg aku amik pakej 1psg bju,pelamin aksesori n ape2 lgi lah.... then... butik tuk bju gaun mlm aku g.. ade bju baru... n cantik..
huhuhu aku try je.. then mmg muat2.. x yah alter lgi... huhu suke nye aku... seksi but nice.. my bf said nice simple n he like it...klo x kne try 2-3 baju smpi sye suke n die pun suke.. huhuhu.. tp akak tu cas price sme je... heheheh best nye... then kad kawen pagi2 dah g KL jmpe abg tu... then dah confirm sume.. simple n nice... simpat lah singgah kat ampang point tgh pameran pengantin... just survey for my 3 tier cake with fresh flower n door gift... door gift die nice tp agak mahal... bf work at melaka.. so buy at melaka is more cheaper n i can save much.... huhuhuh...this is my gift for fren

mlm plak g jmpe akak tuk butik... nk tgk wedding dress aku.. dgn hati n prsn gembire n x sabar nye aku g tgk... pergh .. mmg cantik.. simple n nice tp x sempat amik gambar n ltk cni.. nnt aku edit blog ni n letak gambar skli... then tnye tuk sume2 lah nk mntak aksesori ni lah.. nnt pelamin camne lah... fuh penat sggh ari ni... dah lah ptg tu me, my bf, dad, my bro, n mum g membuat landscape tmn... sbb pelamin aku nnt dlm tmn dlm gazebo (tp gazebo x siap lgi) huhuh... byk nye bnde last minute ni... fuhhh penat.. n tkt x sempat je...

my pelamin will be like this but in my gazebo

so ... many things dah setel but need to do it... hmmmm

Saturday, April 4, 2009

first entry wedding preparation

fuh... arini... kje.. sengal site sunyi sepi.. cam xde machine besor jln je.. nape ye..?? klo x bising mmg kne pki ear plug.. cam tgk f1 je... f1 this year, x leh nk g sbb sibuk dgn preparation nk kahwin.. mggu ni nk jmpe abg yg bt paper bag n kad.. nk confirm design... then leh print n dpt lgi 2 mggu.. pastu kasut kne tempah sndiri sbb kebykan mak andam or butik2 ni xde size 8.. tnye smpi saiz 7 je.. termsk lah tmpt akak tu.. huhuhu.. weekend ni nk g ambik... hope fully cantik..

ermm kasut dah siap bju blm lgi.. baju aku tempah khas tuk aku... huhuh.. kte nk bt garden wedding so aku pki gaun pear shape..(sbb my body is pear type) then ade frenchlace V-shape bhgn blkg nye, yg xde lining(cmne nk explain ye..sbb aku bkn designer).. nsb akak tu leh bt..sbb xde org bt lagi kat butik die..fuh.. sume dah tempah awal 4bln sblm mjlis.. klo x, x dpt lah tgk bju tu awal..hehehe

lgi 1 baju nikah.. aku bt n bli trs baju nikah... jeng..jeng..jeng.. klo org sanding nk pki bju songket... aku nikah pki bju songket.. lain dr lain lah katekan.. dpt songket bunga tabur.. cantik.. bt kebaya mahsuri nye pattern tp modern style.. last 2 weeks dah g fitting.. yes!!! akhir muat jgk aku pki size tu.. klo x kain kne pki saiz len...
misi aku bkn tuk kuruskan bdn sbnr nye tuk 'fit' kan blk bdn ni.. so msk lah fitness club yg dikatakan dekat dgn umah.. klo 10min smpi nek kete or moto dekat lah kan... huhuhuhu..

ok.. nnt smbg entri len... blk keje dah... gmbr2 nnt ltk.. huhuhuh