Anniversary & Our Jr Birthday tickers

Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

doctor check up - 35weeks..

wahh.. biase sbulan skli ari rabu msti g jmpe doctor.. sllu pergi rabu ptg lps keje.. tp sbb skrg da xde after office hours, kne la half day.. first time pergi ke tmpt baru mereka.. ohh.. sgguh besar n luas.. sblm ni mereka hanya amik corner shoplots je skrg da ade bgnan sendiri.. sggh maju..

smlm is my 35weeks check ups.. so lps ni bru nk start jmpe doktor lagi 2mggu pastu trs jmpe semggu skli.. cpt nye mase.. ok kali ni 35week, next appointment is 37week, pastu 38,39 n delivery date is coming... alhamdulillah, bersyukur sgt sbb xde ape2 pun sakit sepanjang preggie ni.. cume da berbdn dua ni bdn mmg la akan jadi penat.. umpama bw sekampit beras 10kilo ke mana2... hihi... n kne jaga jgn kne ujan.. spnjg pregnant ni 2kali demam yg teruk smpi kalau MC tu skli 2 ari.. x ckp sehari tuk memulihkan bdn.. tp mmg klo b4 pregnant lgi.. klo demam mmg trk... sbb org jrg demam kan...
sepnjng pregnant ni kne cucuk tetanus skli at 30weeks n amik darah skli at 26weeks..pastu normal check up.. for the first time baby ni malu plak nk tgk doctor.. sllu ok je.. smpi la doktor ckp arini die malu nk pndg..ermm makin pemalu nak ibu ni..
lagi 2mggu first time CTG.. ermm ape CTG tu.. tgu je la lgi 2mggu ye...dgr org cite tahu la tp bile kne kat kite bru la leh explain sndiri..

ok pastu smlm adelah ari rajin aku tuk tnye doktor ape itu stem cell cord blood tu...sbb selama ni, hubby aku yg akan tnyekan.. sbb aku ni xsuke jmpe doktor sbb sllu bajet sehat...lalala...

erm ape tu stem cell cord blood?? ape pandangan doktor...

... (no title)

wah.. sbb da lme x berblog kan.. i kne la blog arini... last my superb panjang entry.. is last year.. in raya mood.. patut nye i write title 'after 4 months married' tp sbb xde internet connection kat opis semntara tu.. trs xde harapan nk berblog.. huhu

so entry kali ni n lps ni mgkn cite back to back.. huhu.. bkn ke depan tp kembali ke zaman silam...sbb ape?? de jgk kwn2 yg tnye nape aku x tulih trs dlm blog ni.. berkenaan my wed day last year, my life after married n my pregnancy... huhu.. sggh kurang mood...

ok..kali ni nk cite berkenaan parenthood seminar last weekend.. sggh ssh mau ajak suami i tu keluar ari ahad.. sbb kami ade ari ahad je tuk berehat.. we work 6 full day a week.. i dpt tahu dr entry blog ini.. thanks for sharing in blog.. mmg xreti nk story abt that event.. but u all can read more kat blog die ni..

sepnjng mase preggy ni.. i x prnh g mne2 talks,seminar or classes sbb kami sgt la bz sbb de 1 ari je weekend (hari ahad only).. so this is first time n last time for me as 1st preggie mom..
the seminar is envision of parenthood.. how mother survive after deliver,the nutrition should take for mom during pantang, yoga and wat make me excited to go this seminar is breastfeeding topic and ade chef ismail yg lawak2 tu.. from all this topic, my blank white paper (given my them) become full of my handwriting...aku suke tulih note tuk elakkan ngantok.. w/pun seminar tu x ngantuk tp da biase tulih note jgk.. habis penuh paper tu cam note tuk nk exam la...klo tgk blk note tu, same je dgn note time aku bljr kat U... hihi... my hubby said worth to go.. sbb sume topic tu full of info.. cume die kureng minat dgn nutiriton tu..apepun, i puas ati tgk muke die hepi..

and at last is lucky draw..wat my hubby really want is 2nd lucky draw is stroller.. sbb nnt die yg kne blnje stroller tuk anak die ni nnt.. but lucky me n my hubby is grand lucky draw winner worth rm4500..(sbnr nye xtahu pun pe bnde tu).. the prize is stem cell cord blood preservation by cellsafe.. oo ape bnde tu??.. ok lps dpt tu, trs g ke booth die.. die terang kan.. stem cell cord blood tu ialah darah yg diambil dr saluran uri bayi (bukan dlm uri tau)..mknenye, de darah dlm tali pusat bayi tu diorg akan ambil n perserve it for max is, if any decease related to cell or blood they will use this stem cell as one of the way to cure the decease.. diorg trgkan de 75 decease yg boleh cure dr stem cell ini.. dpt tahu itu like bio insurance to ur child up to 21 years.. sbb mse tu tgh sbk tulis borg la isi form la.. dgn aksi menarik dr chef ismail kat atas pentas kelam kabut je..

ermm.. nnt smbg lgi la tuk entry yg len...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

setelah 7 bulan tak update...

huuu...heheheh.... weee~~~~
lme nye x update blog nie apelah da jd... so sesiape yg bce leh tgk ticker sye kat atas tu.. ermm yg dlm perut ni de 2bulan stgh lgi tuk lihat dunia...

wow mcm2 da jd sejak tujuh bulan lme nye x update...

ermmm.. ape nk tulis ye...?? byk idea tp sy bkn pengarang, so x reti nk type ape..
bce org2 len punye blog je la...
